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The integration of ESG with a company must always be accompanied by a commitment and application for the principles within the company policy. By establishing the ESG principles, the company can make and revise regulations and company policies around the related issues. This includes the use of more renewable energy, efficiency of natural resources, waste management and disposal and more.

Of course, this commitment will have a positive impact - both on the company and on the environment. With good and supportive environmental conditions, a company will have a sustainable business operation through good risk management and achievable financial goals.

The integration of ESG with a company must always be accompanied by a commitment and application for the principles within the company policy. By establishing the ESG principles, the company can make and revise regulations and company policies around the related issues. This includes the use of more renewable energy, efficiency of natural resources, waste management and disposal and more.

Of course, this commitment will have a positive impact - both on the company and on the environment. With good and supportive environmental conditions, a company will have a sustainable business operation through good risk management and achievable financial goals.

Companies with a poorly managed system will invite a business that is not transparent, law violations, and unclear ethical rights, and lead to negative values towards the business practice and investment. By applying the Governance Criteria, a company will use it as part of risk management, and avoid data falsification, corruption, conflicts of interest, and internal scandal and risks.

The internal health of a company is one of the largest considerations for trust and transparency, especially with investors, and places additional confidence for potential investors. Within this framework, every governance issue will be considered and calculated while preparing and designing company regulations. With the Governance Criteria, a company will place the foundation of goodwill, including a clear approach to legality and ethics, which will ensure the financial health and sustainability of the company.


Risiko ini muncul karena ketidakpastian dan bagaimana para regulator akan mengubah standar lingkungan atau kesehatan dan keselamatan. Pada saat yang sama, peluang bisa muncul ketika skema pajak preferensial atau subsidi pemerintah menciptakan insentif bagi investor untuk mengadopsi teknologi baru atau menerapkan langkah-langkah efisiensi energi. Dengan ESG, sebuah perusahaan akan memiliki kemampuan beradaptasi dan sumber daya untuk mengikuti peraturan dan undang-undang baru.

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